Tuesday 27 May 2014


Training continues to go well and thankfully the rain is all coming down in let-May rather than early June (well, perhaps).

Confidence is high and it is not long now.

Regular posts will be added when we cycle.  For now we will add the occasional word as we prepare and plan for the trip.

Sunday 11 May 2014


It's 5:45 am Sunday morning. It's raining, been windy all night, all five hours of it anyway. I am stood in the kitchen waiting to go out on the C2c tester Chris has arranged. An email arrived late last night reminding us it will be fun. Silly me, I nearly forgot. Let's see who turns up.

Friday 9 May 2014

Target mashed

Well, just under four weeks to go, and the fundraising target has already been beaten. Currently stands at £625 plus the gift aid contribution. Brilliant stuff. Chris has created a c2c tester route for us this Sunday. A mere 65 miles. Taking on the best (worst) of what we've done so far. Should be interesting. Wonder where the breakout sections are?