Monday 28 April 2014


Fundraising page has been setup, wander over to:
Charity in Question is SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name) is a project run by Genetic Alliance UK offering support and information to families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions. A well deserving cause.
 Back to the ride in question, Chris has been publishing yet more routes for training, which is great stuff, and Yook has put togther a cracking initial menu. This is turning into a bit of a holiday.
Due to family commitments, I will miss the next couple if training rides, but will get the miles and altitude in elsewhere, as we will be visiting friends in Brighton. A sizeable chunk of the South Downs Way will be tackled, so I wont really be shirking guys. Anyway, be a nice change to the off road tyres back on.
Oh, and by the way, the photo is what I was riding up on C2C 2009. Day 2 out of Ambleside.

Friday 25 April 2014

In the Beginning..

It's this way, no it's that way...

Not quite hot on the heels of a not wholly successful three peaks, came the drunken idea of a new challenge.
The eight members of the 5BC, are now up for the Coast to Coast ride.

Following the sustrans 140 mile Whitehaven to Sunderland route, we hope to post regular updates and pictures and the like, which may or may not be of any interest to those left at home. There will also be a small charity fundraising pot, details to follow.

Campsite accomodation has been booked, minibus hired, driver/caterer bribed. Driving up on June 5th, ride starts early Friday 6th June, completing on Sunday 8th.

Regular (very)early Sunday morning rides have been put together by our trainer.. with increasing distance and altitude the order of the day.
All nicely prepared, what could go wrong?